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Introducing The Kiwi Wedding Podcast by Lydia Rachel

I’m so excited to announce a project I have been thinking about (and procrastinating making) for a long time… The Kiwi Wedding Podcast!

I wanted to create a space and community for people getting married in New Zealand. To share stories, learn from those who have gone before and get advice for planning your Kiwi wedding.

As a photographer, and in life, I love connecting with people, hearing their stories and creating community.

I’ll be speaking to a range of individuals and couples, as well as some New Zealand wedding vendors. Keep an eye out for some of my past wedding clients, as well as favourite vendors I have worked alongside or admired in the industry for a long time.

We’ll be covering all New Zealand weddings – big and small.

I’m always looking for a diverse range of guests, so if you think you’d be a good fit for The Kiwi Wedding Podcast, please get in touch with me at lydia@lydiarachel.com

Follow The Kiwi Wedding Podcast on Instagram.
Listen on Spotify.
Listen on Apple Podcasts.
Follow on YouTube.


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