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London Portrait Photographer – St Pauls Cathedral with Donna

When I first got to London I did a lot of exploring the city, all the touristy spots, as well as hidden gems. People ask me what I love about London, and there is so much! One of my favourite things has to be all the amazing people I’ve met so far. A few of them I have met through the wonderful world of Instagram and Facebook. How the world and way we meet people has changed right?!

I already have some amazing ‘insta-turned-real-life-friends’ and it is one of the things I love the most about these online platforms. Making real-life connections with wonderful, creative people. Donna from Hues of Delahaye was one of these online friends! We went on a little adventure by St Pauls Cathedral and took some photos of each other. Donna is a super talented photographer and travel blogger. Make sure you check out her blog and Instagram! I love her manifesto: “A travel and lifestyle blog for people with a 9-5” making travel accessible to everyone, and encouraging the fact you don’t need to quit your job or become a digital nomad to see the world!

If you live in London or are going to be there this year, let me know and let’s hang out!! xx


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